- accounting firm
certified public accountants' firm
CPA firm
Thus, Public accounting firms often are called CPA firms.
Public accounting firms are organizations in which public accountants mainly work.
She may not look like a number cruncher but she's with a big firm of accountants.
虽然她看起来不像是算术达人,但是她在一家知名的会计师事务所工作。 - Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there?
Storms make trees take deeper roots.
“会计师事务所”用英语讲是:Accounting Firms。会计师事务所是指依法独立承担注册会计师业务的中介服务机构,是由有一定会计专业水平、经考核取得证书的会计师(如 的注册会计师、美国的执业会计师、英国的特许会计师、日本的公认会计师等)组成的、受当事人委托承办有关审计、会计、咨询、税务等方面...
certified public accountants' firm CPA firm 例句精选 Thus, Public accounting firms often are called CPA firms.因此,公共会计师事务所常被称为注册会计师事务所。Public accounting firms are organizations in which public accountants mainly work.公共会计师主要在公共会计师事务所开展工作。She may ...
accounting firms 对的 你谷歌一下 哈哈 The CPA firm may also verify the credit rating of major debtors.注册会计师事务所也可能要证实主要债务人的信用评级情况。Public accounting firms are organizations in which public accountants mainly work.公共会计师主要在公共会计师事务所开展工作。
普华永道会计师事务所英文:PricewaterhouseCoopers 德勤会计师事务所:Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited 安永:Ernst & Young 毕马威:KPMG K 代表Klynveld — Piet Klynveld P 代表Peat — William Barclay Peat M 代表 Marwick — James Marwick G 代表Goerdeler — Reinhard Goerdeler ...
BDO SHU LUN PAN CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS LLP 其中的LLP就是特殊普通合伙的意思。注意:立信会计师事务所由 会计泰斗潘序伦博士于1927年在上海创建,是 最早建立和最有影响的会计师事务所之一。于1986年复办。2000年6月由朱建弟、李德渊、周琪、戴定毅、郑帼琼、王德霞、钱志昂、施国梁、孟荣芳...