
  •   Look for the team without struggle with 32 points of humiliating defeat, lebron James on the sidelines. At the moment of whether he thought of the regular season, when many leading party is the cavaliers, when he danced on the sidelines. It is the season controversial scene, so that in the game with the bulls, NuoA almost all begins with James. In the win, James, losing in extremely arrogant manner, and no more. All said James is an experienced player, but from the past performance, he is not as we expected.

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      Because of the media, because ZhongXingPengYue sponsors, also because of its strong, James these eccentric behavior and not many challenges.

      But on the pitch, such heresies can let alone becomes more and more successful, James, he also light-years away.

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      The basketball court has its own rules of the game, the basketball team, exquisite whole attention, while lebron James of the Cleveland stands on the pitch to never says a whole. Here is not alone, the problem is James his behavior, his personal temperament,Authentic NFL jerseys, making him hard and the entire team together.

      7 years in Cleveland's lebron James, never to any one of seven and a star formation. You say this is the cavs management, because of the heavy recruited players to say a star alliance. But James may also should self-reflection, why front-line star is not willing to work with him to Cleveland. Seven years, ever a star which openly said he would be willing to work and James? No! No one. How many people believe this summer and James wade or bosh partner? Who has believed WeiDeHe bosh such star will be willing to give James being second banana?

      Actually even the players that trevor ariza is not willing to go to Cleveland, last summer after joining the rockets, trevor ariza, he chose the truth rather than the cavaliers reason: in Houston, has its own more space.

      In the year ahead, James brought some intense flavor. The most outstanding performance is mentioned in article before, some big games, James on the sidelines dancing to stimulate the opponent. Such behavior, and even magic Johnson and larry bird and Michael Jordan and Bryant never do such players. These stars in speech may sometimes attack opponents, but it is more of a one-on-one bullfighting behavior, like James humiliated rival team approach, the rare.

      This is not the only lay ahead, James, still remember last summer, by James in his hometown of basketball camp on the scene? Michael crawford, a six-foot 4 inches of shooting guard, Xavier second-year university last year, the team from the bench, right out of the lane, facing the belated lebron James way. Frankly, is a young students, perhaps some dunk off face, but it is not like Vince carter in the Olympic Games of the French striker leap the button, a more cannot and Kevin Johnson in the playoffs in hakeem head dunk, it and there is nothing shameful.

      But how then James? He himself command staff confiscated site video. Apparently a bit James did not realize, conceal "fault" than "fault" itself is worse. Young people are more than dunk shame, let a person is you, James like a man cannot be accepted generally dunk. You also can't accept that you can't rate a championship team, at least, is now a championship.

      Last year in Orlando, James refused and knocked off and he rushed shake hands with the media, it was severely criticized. But James and no apology, contrary to defend themselves in, "I am a winner, if someone beat me, I won't go to congratulate their". This year, don't know if the celtics, James and will be there.

      In came after the Cleveland shaq had said, "I want to win a ring for the emperor." Have fun commentators say, "perhaps, shaq said is to win a bit for children, James plastic loop.

      This fun now does not seem to have said is wrong, James is not a mental precocious player, he is still a child
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