- 那是初一时的家长会,那天阳光照耀大地,小草也在微微的轻风中摇摆着,家长也怀着愉悦的心情来到了学校大门口。这时,老师让我们领自己的父母来到教室。过了一会家长到齐了,家长会开始了。我们谁都没想到,这居然是感恩为题家长会。老师让我们站在前面手啦着手共同唱了一首《感恩的心》,虽然我们唱的不好听但它凝聚了我们和老师的心血。我们唱完了,只见父母的眼泪直流,也许就是那么小小的举动就让他们感动,那么父母为我们做了多少呢?阳光还是那么的温暖,照耀了我心中。接下来,老师又让我们站在操场上用行动来报答父母,我们听了后不知怎么做,老师又说:“你们想怎么报答他们就怎么做”,首先,我先送爸爸一枝花,然后说了:“爸爸,您辛苦了。”同学们见了也不害羞了,也纷纷行动起来。只见父母有的感动的流泪,有的直说谢谢儿子我养值了。一会儿,家长会结束了。我们父女俩手啦着手消
In recent years, accountant is such a boom that many people are eager to it. Then how to be a good accountant? In the first place, a good accountant must have strong technical skills which is the most important.In the second place, a good accountant must be careful and h...
i excel in math and always am the top student in class.
My dream is to become a senior accountant. I know this dream is difficult to complete. But I believe myself, I want to be a senior accountant and i will takes great efforts and sacrifice a lot of fun time. First of all, I should learn basic knowledge and read more books...
My dream is to become a senior accountant. I know this dream is difficult to complete. But I believe myself, I want to be a senior accountant and i will takes great efforts and sacrifice a lot of fun time. First of all, I should learn basic knowledge and read more books...
My Dream Job My职业目标是在一家最大的国际会计事务所担任会计师。我对会计感兴趣,因为我热爱数学和商业。此外,我在大学主修金融专业。作为一名会计师,我可以进一步探索我的商业知识,并在商业界建立广泛的人脉。为了实现我的目标,我需要做很多事情。首先,我必须从大学毕业,获得会计本科学位。然后...