- 呵呵,首先,我不是税务达人,是一个老会计而已,具我所知,这种情况很正常,所以你不会被罚的,您尽管放心。
客户是因为已经认证过,故要回两张作废发票做留存。因为地域有异或许各地的发票管理也有所不同。向您这种情况,可以咨询一下税务局,问一下,这两张发票是否该给对方就行了。 - 问题是现在购方说他们的税务专管员要求他们留那两张作废发票做留存,要我退给他,是否应该这样做呢?如果退给他,我方岂不是违反作废的规定了么?——没事,这是正常业务。因为已经认证过,故要回两张作废发票做留存。因为地域有异或许各地的发票管理也有所不同。
没事,放心睡吧 - About Me Name: Sex: Birthday:Feb。60th,3852。 National:Han Political landscape: Education: Undergraduate Profession: Mobile: Email: Address:No。XX,XX Cun[village],Chongqing。 Educational Background: Graduated From: Business and strong points: * English Country 0 through examinations; * Proficiency in 。puter knowledge and proficiency in the use of Word, Excel and other office software, 。puter networks have good knowledge and skills; *Stable personality, strong sense of responsibility, a strong team spirit and adaptability。 Working Experience: *Fill and making accounting documents, the ledger, general ledger registration, preparation of accounting statements, tax returns submitted to and work * Responsible for the cost of audit, financial, fixed assets, construction in progress, accounts receivable, to meet the cost, as well as accounting and management contracts, and deal with day-to-day Accounts; * Preparation of financial statements and the 。pany required a variety of management reporting; * Responsible for the 。pany to collect all kinds of statements, inspection, summary and analysis; * Responsible for the 。pany to the bank, the SAFE, and other departments outside the Economic Commission of the related issues; * Out of storage management, accounting, daily accounting, preparation of statements, tax returns; * Responsible for the development of cost accounting, daily cost, demand, such as accounting, as well as deal with day-to-day accounting and tax matters。 My Character: Prudent, modest, self-discipline,and confidence。 Look forward to working with your interviews! *******************************你累死我了o*****************************baて屁舀ywv驭学④g‰βwg‰βv驭学④i
治心神不安或者得流感发热后导致的失眠 药物:干荷叶 穴位:右侧阳辅穴,左侧神门穴 方法:取干荷叶一小片揉碎,贴在右侧阳辅穴处;再取麦冬一粒捣碎,贴在左侧神门穴处,都用医用胶布固定。晚上贴,早晨取下。 如果您体内火气过大,常常心神不安,或者得流感发热后导致的失眠,那么我推荐您用上面的方法。 这种失眠是本...
[适应证] 失眠心脾两虚证。一.经验方1.按摩穴位治失眠按摩一组穴位:百会、太阳、风池、翳风、合谷、神门、内外关、足三里、三阴交、涌泉。按摩次数以大眠程度为准,失眠轻少按摩几次,失眠重多按摩几次。按摩后立即选一种舒适的睡姿, 10分钟左右可入睡。如果仍不能入睡,可继续按摩一次即可入睡。2.每天早上请喝一...
原因消除,失眠自愈,对因疾病引起的失眠症状,要及时求医。不能认为:失眠不过是小问题,算不了病而延误治疗。 (3)身心松驰,有益睡眠。睡前到户外散步一会儿,放松一下精神,上床前或洗个沐浴,或热水泡脚,然后就寝,对顺利入眠有百利而无一害。诱导人体进入睡眠状态,有许多具体方法,例如:放松功,...