
  • Subject:
  • investors, shareholders, creditors, government and general public are concerned and want to know. In the process of financial statement analysis must pay attention to the analysis of various indicators of the integrated use of indicators by combining a variety of applications to...

  • shareholders, creditors, governments and the general public all want to care and understand. In the process of financial statement analysis must pay attention to all kinds of comprehensive use of different analytical methods,

  • 如果没有的话,在货币资金期末数那里填3W,所有者权益期末数那里填3W,这样就可以了。如果发生了业务,就要根据科目余额表填列。

  • acca p2达到70分以上算高分,一般考生成绩平均在50-60分左右。p2科目已经改名为SBR《战略商业报告》,是F7《财务报告》的后续课程,考试为全球统一考试时间,试卷为全英文。acca SBR科目主要考察什么内容?SBR《战略商业报告》考试更加深入地考察对于会计准则的掌握,会计职业道德的应用,以及在商业环境下对...

  • Beijing XX University accountant institute XXX Goal Education situation 04 years in August until now XX university accountant institute financial control specialty In 2008 graduates, management study bachelor degree Majors in the curriculum: Management study, market marketingstudy, western economic...


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