
  • 想知道美国校园的真实生活吗?想深入了解在美国生活中的方方面面吗? 了解别人的经历,是为了吸取经验,避免少走弯路。下面的这篇文章来自美 际的学生Jerry Yang,目前就读于美国TOP50 Centre College 大二,jerry在美国打工时,遇到申请退税的问题,自己亲身经历了一次流程后,写下了这篇文章与各位准留学生和已经在美国留学可能会遇到退税问题的学生分享一下自己的经验。 不少同学都有在校打工的经历,不知道大家有没有注意到每个月的工资单上都会被扣一部分钱,被扣下的部分就是美国联邦政府,州政府,地方政府层层压榨的个人所得税。不过幸运的是,我们收入普遍不到征税的起点,所以每年都是可以申请退税的。能退多少的决定因素有收入,税率(每个州不一样),有时候我们交给学校的学费也能帮上忙。具体步骤请参考下文,但简单的说就是在网上填写一份报税表。前提是你在学校有正式的工作,不是临时打杂,工资当天结算那种的类型,雇佣单位(通常就是学校)发放的工资记录表W-2表,还有学杂费统计表1098T表。我上周末花了两个多小时,退回来了$700多税并得到了$1000块的学费奖励(American Opportunity Credit),不过现在还没到账,我还在焦急的等待当中。好了,废话我就不多说了,大家仔细看下面的具体步骤吧。祝大家学习进步,退税成功。" Click "No" for this question 4、There will be several times when TurboTax asks you to upgrade to its basic/deluxe version, click "No Thanks" for them all. Otherwise, it will charge you extra.5、as you go through, turbo tax will ask you to enter your W-2 form info. In general you can find your W-2 form in your mailbox from your employer(your school HR office), but in case you lost it or you didn't receive one, contact your employer. TurboTax has pretty good description on how to fill it out. All you need to do is to follow the instruction. After you finish this, the Federal Refund and KY Refund monitor should be updated.There will be more information on income such as interest/tips unreported to your employer, Home or car do not usually apply to us so leave it blank.6、After you are "done with income", TurboTax will take you to "Deductions & Credits". For the majority of us, the only deduction would be on "Education". The other deductions do not apply in our cases. In the "Education Expenses" section, filling your 1098-T information as instructed. 1098-T form should be in your mailbox along with your W-2 form. After this is done, the Federal Refund should increase. In most cases, you should have $1000 added to the federal refund. Sometimes you might have donated money and they are qualified for income deduction, so don’t miss out on that one.7、When you get to the "Print & File" tab, choose to "E-file". The Federal E-file is free, but TurboTax will charge you $27.95 for the Kentucky E-file. If you get more than $27.95 for your state Refund, you can choose to "E-file my state return now". Otherwise, it is advisable to not file the state return. 8、In the next few steps, TurboTax will ask you how you want to get your money back. You can choose to direct deposit to your bank account, or to mail you a check. If you choose direct deposit, make sure you have your Routing number and Account number ready. If you are not sure what the numbers are, check with your bank 9、TurboTax will ask you for a e-filing PIN. To be safe, choose "I don't know either one so I'll get a new e-filing PIN from the IRS (Recommended)". Click on the "website" link, which will take you to the IRS website. On the right side of the page, click on "Electronic Filing Pin-Help". Fill in the information and your 5-digit e-filing PIN will be generated. Enter the number into TurboTax.
  • 在美国购物后退税的流程大致如下:在购物时记得保留购物小票,回国时需携带小票、护照、签证和机票等证件前往窗口办理退税手续。退税时间通常为2-3个月,美国各城市税率不同,以加州为例,税率大约为9%。单次退税金额需达到10美元,即购物金额需至少110美元才能办理退税。每次去美国只能办理一次退税,务必一...

  • 一般来说,如果你离开美国之日起两年内没有再次入境,就可以申请税款退还。二、收集相关证明材料留学生退税需要提供合法的身份证明(如护照、学生签证等)以及购物发票等相关证明文件,如有工资收入则还需提供相关的税务文件,根据税务规定填写相关表单,将其提交给美国国税局。三、填写并提交申请表格留学生申...

  • 在美国,可以退购物税的东西主要取决于购买地点和商品类型,且通常仅限于德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州。具体来说,德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州为外国游客提供购物退税服务。这意味着,在这两个州内,游客在符合一定条件的情况下,可以申请退回部分或全部销售税。这些条件通常包括:持外国护照的游客在离境前30天内...

  • 在美国,购物退税的情况主要取决于购买地点和商品类型。一般来说,美国没有国家级的购物退税制度,但某些州对于外国游客提供退税服务。首先,各州对于购物退税的政策不尽相同。目前,只有德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州为外国游客提供购物退税服务。这意味着,在这两个州购买的商品,游客可以在离开美国时申请退回销...

  • 在美国洛杉矶机场,可以在机场购物中心进行退税。退税前需要满足以下条件:1. 购买超过50美元的商品。2. 在购物时跟店员索要“退税表格”。3. 在退税时,需要准备好退税表格、购物发票及护照。退税金额将在退税表格上标明,可以在机场购物中心的指定地点进行退税。退税金额将在退税表格上标明,可以在机场...


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