
  • Abstract: "Give me a fulcrum, I can Qiaoqi Earth." Archimedes's famous image accurately describes the natural sciences leverage. Leverage can produce miraculous strength and leverage in the financial management of the same presence. Financial management principle of the lever in a difficult pondering the magic. Such leverage, as a double-edged sword, in the operational effectiveness of good time, it would allow the rapid growth of corporate interest in the poor efficiency of enterprises, it will seriously damage business. Leverage risk and the principle firmly tied. It is worth noting that: Regardless of whether managers are willing to accept this kind of leverage, as long as the existence of fixed costs, such miraculous strength always exist. The financial leverage including two categories: operating leverage and financial leverage. We must fully understand it, understand it and then work hard to master it, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, so that it can help them play a more effective.
  • Abstract: "Give me a fulcrum, I can Qiaoqi Earth." Archimedes's famous image accurately describes the natural sciences leverage. Leverage can produce miraculous strength and leverage in the financial management of...

  • 控制财务风险的措施:(一)适度负债,合理安排资本结构,确保财务结构平衡一要正确把握负债的量与度,企业的息税前利润率大于负债成本率是企业负债经营的先决条件。二要适度利用财务杠杆作用,合理控制财务杠杆的负作用。三要合理...

  • 1.控制财务风险:企业应加强财务管理,控制财务风险,避免出现资金链断裂等问题。2.优化资本结构:企业可以通过调整资本结构,减少负债,增加自有资本,从而降低杠杆比率。3.加强市场营销:企业可以通过加强市场营销,提高产品质量...

  •   1、企业在运用杠杆原理时的内在风险表现  (1)部分财务管理人员风险意识不足。在现实工作中,许多企业的财务管理人员缺乏风险意识,认为只要管好、用好资金,就不会产生财务风险,风险意识淡薄。  (2...

  • 从理论上讲,企业财务杠杆系数的高低可以反映财务风险的大小。这里需要指出,负债中包含有息负债和无息负债,财务杠杆只能反映有息负债给企业带来的财务风险而没有反映无息负债,如应付账款的影响。通常情况下,无息负债是正常...


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