- “财务策划师”起始于20世纪80年代伦敦金融界,区别于传统的金融财务人员,财务策划师更加注重整个企业的资本运营及财务统筹,专业的财务策划师将为企业的资产保值、增值起着“领航”的作用,随着 进一步融入全球经济,企业投资、融资手段与国际接轨,财务策划将成为企业未来致胜的关键。 财务策划,代表着国际金融领域最新发展方向的新兴学科,正如其他大多数学科在发展初期一样,许多有着不同背景与眼光的人都被吸引到“财务策划”这个领域。 财务策划师资格名衔授予机构有好多个,在 如劳动部颁发的理财规划师,在国际如:国际财务策划师公公(IARFP)颁发的注册财务策划师(IRFP)等。 目前,具备国际财务策划专业水准的人才,已被列为国家紧缺人才培训工程,可见该职业是“全球第一黄金职业”。 IARFP——世界上领先的专业财务策划师团体,国际上海外学员最多,学员规模发展最快的财务策划师组织,是财务策划实务的专家团体。 财务策划师需求学习的知识如下: 助理财务策划师(Technician Level) The Financial Planning Technician has an important role to play, either as support staff to the professional (where they undertake sub professional work in the field of financial management) or by taking the role of private banking in a smaller organisation, where an outsourced professional accountant provides the service of supervision and monitoring. The IARFP offers this technician grade qualification to individuals who, for whatever reason, are unable to continue or do not wish to continue with their studies. A Financial Planning Technician may use the designatory letters AIRFP, and the title Incorporated Associate Financial Planner. T1 金融投资规划 Financial Investment Planning T2 个人风险管理与保险规划 Personal Risk Management and Insurance Planning T3 员工福利与退休计划 Employee Benefits and Retirement Planning T4 个人税务与遗产策划 Tax and Estate planning 注册财务策划师(Registered Level) This is the first level of professional membership offered to individuals who have not yet completed the full examination structure but possess the relevant professional work experience. A Full member of the International Association of Registered Financial Planners has the level of competency considered necessary to complete the final Financial Planning of a business. They will have the ability to interpret Financial Planning, which will assist in day to day management decisions. A Full Member may use the designatory letters IRFP. A1 财务策划概论(含金融市场与公司理财)Financial Planning A2 投资策划 Investment Planning A3 融资策划 Project Financing A4 税务策划 Tax Planning A5 国际财务管理与风险控制 Wealth Management and Risk Management A6 财务策划实务(含财务分析与预算管理)Best Practice for Financial Planners 资深财务策划师(Fellow Level) This is the final level of the IARFP qualification and demonstrates competence in all aspects of financial management plus the strategic management skills. Fellows will have completed the full examination structure and have a minimum of three years experience in a senior financial planning capacity. A Fellow Member may use the designatory letters FIRFP. F1 专业会计师 Professional Accountant F2 公司管治 Corporate Finance F3 并购与重组 M & A and Restructuring F4 商务分析与案例综合 Business Analysis and Case Study
财务规划是指对企业或个人的财务资源进行规划和管理。财务规划是一个系统性的过程,旨在确保组织或个人的财务目标得以实现。以下是关于财务规划的详细解释:1. 财务规划的基本定义:财务规划是对未来财务状况的预测和安排。它涉及对资产、负债、收入、支出和现金流的评估,以确保组织或个人的长期经济稳定性和...
财务规划指的是一种对企业或个人的财务资源进行规划、分析和管理的过程。财务规划是一个涵盖了诸多方面的综合性过程。以下是关于财务规划的具体解释:一、财务规划的基本概念 财务规划,简而言之,就是对企业或个人的财务资源进行合理规划和管理。它涉及收入、支出、资产、负债以及现金流等各个方面。通过制定...
财务规划的意思是指对企业或个人的财务资源进行合理规划和管理。财务规划是一个重要的概念,无论是对于企业还是个人来说,都是实现经济目标的关键步骤。以下是关于财务规划的详细解释:1. 财务规划的定义:财务规划是对企业或个人的财务资源、现金流、利润等进行系统、全面的规划和管理。它旨在确保短期和长...
财务规划是一种针对个人或企业的财务目标和状况,通过科学的方法和策略进行财务管理和资产配置的过程。财务规划旨在帮助个人或企业实现其经济目标,通过合理的规划和管理财务资源,以达到长期的财务稳健和增长。以下是关于财务规划的详细解释:1. 定义与目的 财务规划是对个人或企业的财务资源进行规划和管理的...