- First Year
Compulsory modules (3/4 of the year’s work): Computing for accounting; Economic theory and applications; Foundations of accounting; Information technology and communication skills; Mathematics and statistics for economics or Introductory modelling and statistics; Academic and career development.
Plus modules chosen from any other subject area.
Second Year
Compulsory modules (1/2 of the year’s work): Business finance; Financial accounting; Management accounting.
Plus modules chosen from the extensive list of options for Accounting and Finance, and up to 1/6 of the year’s work from other subject areas.
Third Year
½ of the year’s work is chosen from a range of options in Accounting and Finance. In addition you choose from further options in Accounting, Economics or Management, and up to 1/6 of the year’s work from other subject areas.
This programme offers you the chance to choose modules both from within your own subject area of Accounting and Finance and from other subject areas. Popular choices include:
Auditing and information systems
Capital market theory
Corporate governance
Financial analysis
International business and finance
利兹大学本科学制:一般是三年,如下Linguistics学制:4年专业方向:人文社会科学学位类型:阿拉伯与伊斯兰研究文学士Linguistics学制:3年专业方向:人文社会科学学位类型:亚太研究文学士Language and Literature学制:3年专业方向:人文社会科学学位类型:古典文明文学士Linguistics学制:3年专业方向:人文社会科学...
利兹大学,位于英国利兹,是所公立综合性研究型大学,世界百强名校,英国红砖大学之一,属于罗素大学集团、世界大学联盟、国际大学气候联盟、欧洲大学协会、英联邦大学协会、中英大学工程教育与研究联盟、RENKEI、N8大学联盟、白玫瑰大学联盟成员。利兹大学会计和金融专业Accounting and Finance的课程架构如下,适合需...