
  • 你好:

    该项目于 2002年7月、8月招生,2002年9月第一批学员入学。在籍学员43个均为社会班非全日制学员。该项目共设有16门课程,到目前为止共完成四门课(第一阶段),考试合格率为100%。每门课均由澳大利亚迪肯大学教师与上海财经大学教师共同授课。
  •   上海考CPAA的范围:
      符合下列条件的 公民,可以申请参加注册会计师全国统一考试——专业阶段考试:
      符合下列条件的 公民,可以申请参加注册会计师全国统一考试——综合阶段考试:
      登录 注册会计师协会网站,点击“注册会计师考试网上报名”链接,进入“注册会计师全国统一考试网上报名系统”进行网上预报名。
  • 你说的是CPA吧?



  •   Chartered Institute of Management Accountants

      In January 2009, the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) and CPA Australia entered into a mutual recognition agreement (MRA) to establish guidelines on how qualified members can gain reciprocal membership. This MRA has been renewed from January 2013 for a further four years.

      The term of this MRA is for four years and it will be re-visited for possible renewal near the end of term.

      Pathway to membership

      The following steps demonstrate the pathway for CIMA members to gain membership with CPA Australia under the conditions of the MRA.

      Step 1: Determine eligibility

      CPA Australia accepts membership applications from around the globe. If you are a full Associate or Fellow member of CIMA, you may be eligible to apply for membership with CPA Australia if you:

      are a member of good standing and not under any investigations for professional conduct infringements

      did not gain entry through another mutual recognition agreement

      have successfully completed: ?the CIMA professional qualification

      the CIMA practical experience requirements

      Step 2: Complete application

      Complete the application form and submit it with the following:

      assessment fee and membership fee

      certified true copies of 100 points of identification (see application form for points values)

      an original, or certified true copy, of a current letter of good standing from CIMA that contains: ?the date you joined CIMA

      the date you achieved your current member status

      the date your membership fees are paid until

      confirmation you have completed the practical experience requirements

      confirmation that you are not a member of CIMA by virtue of another MRA

      confirmation that you are not currently subject to any disciplinary sanctions or investigation and have not been subject to any disciplinary sanctions

      certified true copy of a consolidated official transcript from CIMA

      certified true copies of official university transcript and degree certificate

      change of name documentation (if applicable)

      Step 3: Submit application

      Send your application with certified true copies of your documents to ma.comms@cpaaustralia.com.au or mail them to:

      CPA Australia
      Member Services
      GPO Box 2820
      MELBOURNE VIC 3001

      Alternatively, you can mail your application to your nearest CPA Australia office.

      Step 4: Processing of application

      Your application will take approximately 10 to 15 working days to process. If there are any queries about your application, a CPA Australia employee will contact you.

      If your application is successful, an email will be sent to you informing you of your success. A welcome pack will follow by post.

      If your application is unsuccessful, a letter will be sent to you outlining the reasons why. We will provide advice about how you can meet CPA Australia's membership requirements.
  • (一)cpa专业阶段注会报名条件:1、具有完全民事行为能力;2、具有高等专科以上学校毕业学历,或者具有会计或者相关专业中级以上技术职称。(二)cpa综合阶段注会报名条件:1、具有完全民事行为能力;2、已取得注册会计师全国统一考试专业阶段考试合格证。注册会计师https://www.gaodun.com/cpa/ 全职考生如何...

  • 2022上海cpa考试时间是8月26日至28日,考试分为专业阶段考试以及综合阶段考试,其中专业阶段考试科目共有6门,综合阶段考试科目共有2门。专业阶段考试科目为《审计》、《财务成本管理》、《经济法》、《会计》、《公司战略与风险管理》、《税法》。综合阶段考试科目为《职业能力综合测试(试卷一)》、《职...

  • 二、财会专业人士认证的重要性 在现代企业中,财务会计和审计工作的地位日益重要,对企业运营和决策起到关键作用。因此,拥有CPAA这样的专业认证对于财会专业人士来说是非常重要的。它不仅能够证明个人在专业知识方面的掌握程度,还能提高在职场中的竞争力,为个人的职业发展开辟更广阔的道路。三、CPAA认证的...

  • 3. 证书涵盖内容:为了获得CPAA证书,考生需要通过一系列的考试,这些考试涵盖了会计、审计、商业法律、财务管理等多个领域的知识。持有此证书的专业人士在实际工作中能够熟练运用专业知识,为企业提供高质量的会计、审计和财务管理服务。4. 职业发展优势:拥有CPAA证书的专业人士在职业市场上具有很大优势,这...

  • 通过移动端参加报名的考生需要关注“ 注册会计师协会”官方微信公众号,并按照操作指引完成注会报名。注册会计师https://www.gaodun.com/cpa/ 上海cpa如何确认考试报名是否已经成功?考生可以在网报系统中查阅报名状态查询表,如果照片审查状态和资格审查状态都显示已通过,付款状态为:未付款。报名状态:...


联系方式 / Contact information
需求描述 / Requirement description