澳洲八大名校 都有哪些受CPA Australia 认证的课程

澳洲八大名校 都有哪些受CPA Australia 认证的课程
  • 不需要名校,澳洲所有大学的学位全是CPA认可的,只要读了会计12门课里的九门,有个学位,不论什么专业,全是可以通过CPA的会计评估了。澳洲的大学不像 的大学,还分三六九等的.
  • 同学你好,很高兴为您解答!

      悉尼大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

      Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

      Bachelor of Commerce and combined degrees (except Law)

      Bachelor of Economics/Bachelor of Laws

      Bachelor of Economics and combined degrees (except Law)

      Master of Commerce

      Master of Professional Accounting

      澳洲国立大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

      Bachelor of Accounting (including combined degrees except Law)

      Bachelor of Accounting/Bachelor of Laws

      Bachelor of Business Administration

      Bachelor of Commerce (and combined degrees)

      Bachelor of Economics (and combined degrees)

      Bachelor of Finance (and combined degrees)

      Master of Accounting

      Master of Professional Accounting

      墨尔本大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

      Bachelor of Commerce ( and combined degrees)

      Master of Management(accounting)

      新南威尔士大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

      Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

      Bachelor of Commerce or Economics or Actuarial Studies and dual degrees(except Law)

      Bachelor of Taxation

      Master of Professional Accounting(13 units) or Master of Professional Accounting(EXT)(17 units)

      昆士兰大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

      Bachelor of Commerce

      Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

      Graduate Diploma in Professional Accounting

      Master of Commerce

      Master of Commerce (Advanced)

      莫纳什大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

      Bachelor of Accounting(including combined degrees except Law)

      Bachelor of Business(including combined degrees except Law)

      Bachelor of Business Administration

      Bachelor of Business and Commerce

      Bachelor of Business and Commerce

      Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)

      Bachelor of Commerce(including combined degrees except Law)

      Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

      Bachelor of Economics(including combined degrees except Law)

      Graduate diploma in Accounting

      Master of Professional Accounting (advanced)

      Master of Professional Accounting (including combined degrees)

      阿德莱德大学目前被CPA Australia认证的课程有:

      Bachelor of Commerce ( and combined degrees)

      Bachelor of Commerce( and combined degrees)

      Bachelor of Economics( and combined degrees)

      Bachelor of Finance( and combined degrees)

      Master of Accounting and Finance

      Master of Accounting and Marketing

      Master of Professional Accounting

      西澳大学目前被CPA Australia 认证的课程有:

      Bachelor of Commerce

      Bachelor of Commerce/Bachelor of Laws

      Master of Professional Accounting

      Master of Professional Accounting(advanced)



  • 悉尼大学,麦考瑞大学
  • 澳大利亚昆士兰大学:澳洲八大名校之一,其会计课程获得CPA认证,其会计硕士课程申请无需会计本科背景。澳大利亚国立大学:澳大利亚综合实力排名第1,拥有顶尖商学院,其会计硕士课程受到澳大利亚会计师协会的认证,相比其他澳洲八大而言,其费用低廉,性价比高,且就业前景好。原文来源:http://www.LiuXue86.Com/a...

  • 麦考瑞大学商学院受CPA认证并且将CPA项目融入课程学习的课程是:Master of Accounting (CPA Extension), 学制2年半,总学费:28800澳币。迪肯大学(Deakin University)迪肯大学始创于1974年,是澳大利亚唯一一所两次荣获重点荣誉的学校。迪肯大学1995年被《杰出大学指南》评为"年度科技奖",1999年被评为"杰...

  • 1、澳大利亚国立大学会计硕士课程2、新南威尔士大学会计硕士课程3、阿德莱德大学会计金融双专业硕士4、堪培拉大学会计硕士5、塔斯马尼亚大学会计硕士如果你的语言成绩和平时成绩比较好可申请澳洲八大中的一所。

  • 澳洲八大是澳洲历史悠久、享誉国际的八所顶尖研究型综合性大学,被普遍公认为是澳洲版的常春藤联盟,包括了澳洲国立大学、墨尔本大学、悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、莫纳什大学、昆士兰大学、阿德莱德大学和西澳大学。

  • 7、西澳大学(The University of Western Australia,简称UWA)创校于1911年,于1913年首次招生,是世界知名研究型大学,世界100强名校。西澳大学获AACSB和EQUIS两大国际顶尖商学院认证,其本科金融专业受CFA协会认证,会计专业受澳洲会计师公会(CPAAustralia)认证。8、阿德莱德大学(The University of Adelaide...


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